Creston School Logo

Vision/ Mission/ Beliefs

Vision:  Empowering students, shaping leaders, and building brighter futures.

Mission: At Creston CCSD #161, our mission is to empower individuals through education, by creating a supportive learning environment that focuses on building strong foundations, facilitating success, and nurturing the development of excellence in each student. Together, as a united community, we are committed to providing innovative and personalized educational experiences that equip our learners with the knowledge, skills, and values essential for them to emerge as confident, ethical, and accomplished leaders of tomorrow.


We believe that:

  1. education is a shared responsibility and requires collaboration of the school, the student, the family, and the community.
  2. lifelong learning, a process that begins with parents in the home and is cultivated by teachers and staff in the schools, is essential for success in a changing society.
  3. students should be expected to demonstrate respect for self, others, and the environment; be dependable and responsible citizens; and act safely and with integrity within our school and global community.
  4. teachers must continually hone their craft and content knowledge to design engaging learning and facilitate success in every student.


Goal 1: STUDENT GROWTH AND SUCCESS- Students will have the academic capacity and self awareness to prepare them for life and career success.

Strategy 1: We will provide a rigorous curriculum with clarity and consistency in all subject areas and ensure reliable assessment data and feedback to guide best practice instruction.

Strategy 2: We will provide differentiated instruction, interventions, and enrichments to meet each student’s needs and equip students with the necessary skills, tools, technologies, and strategies to set goals, develop action plans, and monitor/report their own progress.

Goal 2: PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY-  We cultivate a positive and productive working environment that attracts, develops, and retains high quality staff.

Strategy 1: We will increase and improve internal communication and collaboration through the Professional Learning Community model.

Strategy 2: We will provide meaningful, research‐based, consistent, on‐going professional learning to our employees to assist them to meet continuously changing demands.

Goal 3: FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT- We elevate student achievement by engaging families and the community as vital partners in the education process.

Strategy 1: We will design, implement and reflect on a two‐way communication system to share expectations for families to participate and be advocates for their student’s learning from birth through 8th grade.

Strategy 2: We will utilize a data system to monitor progress and report district and school performance in an efficient, effective and timely manner.

Goal 4: FISCAL STABILITY- We demonstrate effective and efficient business operations and ensure excellent stewardship of public resources.

Strategy 1: We will be proactive in forecasting and allocating financial resources to ensure the best possible educational program for our students while being mindful of our taxpayers.

Curriculum Guides