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Student Records

  • In District 161, all records, except health, reports of individual testing, records of other student services, and suspension, are kept in the student’s cumulative folder. Health records are maintained in the Health Services Office. Records of case study evaluation testing and other student services records are kept in the Student Services Department with copies also maintained in the office of the principal. Suspension records are maintained in the Superintendent’s Office.
  • Authorized District 161 personnel who have access to the student records are: the principal of the school the child attends, teachers working with the student, and instructional or student services personnel or administrators involved in serving the child. The records of students who are enrolled in public or private school programs outside the school district are made available to personnel who work with the students in those programs. The laws also specify certain state and federal officials who may have access to the files if the use of the records is consistent with the fulfillment of their responsibilities.
  • Questions about student records should be directed to the principal of the school your child attends or to the Student Services Department at (847) 963-3149. All student records may be examined by the child’s parent(s) or guardian(s), who also may obtain copies of the records. A parent wishing to read the records or obtain copies must make a written request to the Superintendent, as explained in #3 (below).
  • The following information pertains to the rights and obligations of parents, students, and the school district under the Illinois School Student Records Act (ISSRA), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 1974, and 34 CFR Part 99.
    1. The student permanent record consists of basic identifying information, the academic transcript, the attendance record, accident reports and the health record, and a record of release of permanent information. It also may consist of records of awards and participation in school-sponsored activities. No other information will be placed in the student permanent record. The permanent record will be kept for 60 years after graduation or permanent withdrawal. (ISSRA, Par. 50-2(e); 50-4(e))
    2. The student temporary record consists of all information that is of clear relevance to the education of the student but is not required to be in the student permanent record. It may include family background information, intelligence test scores, aptitude test scores, psychological and personality test results, achievement test results, teacher anecdotal records, and special education files.

      A record of release of temporary record information must be included in the student temporary record. The temporary record will be reviewed periodically for elimination of out-of-date, inaccurate, or unnecessary information. The temporary record will be destroyed entirely within five years after permanent withdrawal from the district. (ISSRA, Par. 50-2(f) and 50-4(f))
  1. Parents or any person specifically designated by a parent have the right to:
    1. Make a written request to inspect and copy all permanent and temporary records. Parents have a right to review the records within 161 days from the time the custodian of the records receives the request. The official records custodian in District 161 is the Superintendent. A student shall have the right to inspect and copy his or her school student permanent record. The charge for copying records is 35 cents per page. No parent or student shall be denied a copy of school student records due to inability to bear the cost of such copying. (ISSRA, Par. 50-5)
    2. Have present, at the option of either the parent or the school district, a qualified professional who may be a psychologist, counselor, or other advisor, and who may be an employee of the school district or employed by the parent, to interpret the information contained in the student temporary record. If the school district requires that a professional be present, the school district shall secure and bear any cost for the presence of a professional. If the parent so requests, the school district shall secure and bear any cost for the presence of a professional employed by the school district. (ISSRA, Par. 50-5(b))
    3. Challenge the accuracy, relevancy, or propriety of any entry in the student records, exclusive of grades, by requesting a hearing with the school district.

      1. The request for a hearing shall be submitted in writing to the records custodian and shall contain notice of the specific entry or entries to be challenged and the basis of the challenge.
      2. An informal conference will be held within 161 school days of receipt of the request for a hearing.
      3. If the challenge is not resolved by the informal conference, a formal hearing shall be initiated.
      4. For a formal hearing, a hearing officer who is not employed in the attendance center in which the student is enrolled shall be appointed by the school district and shall conduct a hearing within a reasonable time but no later than 161 days after the informal conference, unless an extension of time is agreed upon by the parents and school officials. The hearing officer shall notify the parents and school officials of the time and place of the hearing. Each party shall have the right to present evidence and to call witnesses, the right to cross-examine witnesses, and the right to counsel. A record of the hearing shall be made by tape recording or by a court reporter. The decision of the hearing officer shall be rendered no later than 10 school days after the conclusion of the hearing and shall be transmitted to the parents and the school district. The hearing officer’s decision shall be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing and shall order (a) retention of the challenged contents of the student record; or (b) removal of the challenged contents of the student record; or (c) a change, clarification or addition to the challenged contents of the student record. The parties shall have the right to appeal the decision of the hearing officer to the Regional Superintendent of Schools.
      5. A notice of appeal must be presented to the Regional Superintendent of Schools within 20 school days after the decision of the hearing officer. The opposing party shall be notified of the appeal at the same time. Within 10 school days, the school district shall forward a transcript of the hearing, a copy of the record entry in question and any other pertinent materials to the Regional Superintendent of Schools. Upon receipt of such documents, the Regional Superintendent of Schools shall examine the documents and record, make findings and issue a decision to the parents and the school district within 20 school days of receipt of the documents. If the subject of the appeal involves the accuracy, relevance, or propriety of any entry in special education records, the Regional Superintendent of Schools should seek advice from appropriate special education personnel who were not authors of the entry. The school district shall be responsible for implementing the decision of the Regional Superintendent of Schools. Such decision shall be final, but may be appealed to the Circuit Court of the county in which the school district is located. (ISSRA, Par. 50-7)
  2. No student records or information contained therein may be released, transferred, disclosed, or otherwise disseminated, except:

    1. To a parent or student or person specifically designated as a representative by a parent; (ISSRA, Par. 50-6(a) (1))
    2. To an employee or official of the school district or the State Board of Education with a current demonstrable educational or administrative interest in the student, in furtherance of such interest; (ISSRA, Par. 50-6(a) (2))
    3. To the official records custodian of another school in which the student has enrolled or intends to enroll. The records may be transferred to the requesting school 10 school days after the student transfers out of the school district. Parents have the opportunity to inspect, copy, or challenge the contents of the student records within those 10 days or before the records are transferred (ISSRA, Par. 50-6(a) (3)). Also, Public Act 89-261 requires the sending school district to verify that the student’s medical records are up-to-date and the student is not currently being disciplined by an out-of-school suspension or expulsion. Records of students who graduate from eighth grade are automatically forwarded to the high school the student will attend in District 211 or 214;
    4. To any person for the purpose of research, statistical reporting, or planning, provided that no student or parent can be identified from the information released and the person(s) requesting the use of such information has signed an affidavit agreeing to comply with all rules and statutes regarding school records; (ISSRA, Par. 50-6(a) (4)
    5. Pursuant to a court order, provided that the parent shall be given prompt written notice upon receipt of such order, of the terms of the order, the nature and substance of the information proposed to be released in compliance with such order and an opportunity to inspect, copy, and challenge the contents of the school student records; (ISSRA, Par. 50-6(a) (5))
    6. To any person as specifically required by state or federal law, provided that such person shall provide the school with appropriate identification and a copy of the statute authorizing such access and that the parent receives prior written notice of the nature and substance of the information to be released and an opportunity to inspect, copy, and challenge such information. If the release of information relates to more than 25 students, such prior notice may be given in a local newspaper of general circulation or other publication directed generally to parents; (ISSRA, Par. 50-6(a) (6))
    7. Subject to regulations of the Illinois State Board of Education, in connection with an emergency to appropriate persons if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons, provided that the parents are notified as soon as possible of the information released, the date of release, the person, agency or organization receiving the information, and the purpose of the release; (ISSRA, Par. 40-6(a) (7))
    8. To any person with the prior specific, dated, and written consent of the parent designating the person to whom the records may be released and the designated records or designated portions of the information to be released. The parent has the right to inspect, copy, and challenge the records and to limit any such consent to designated records or designated portions of the information contained within the records. (ISSRA, Par. 50-6(a) (8))
  3. Parents may insert in their child’s school student record a statement of reasonable length setting forth their position on any disputed information contained in that record. The school shall include a copy of such statement in any subsequent dissemination of the information in dispute. (ISSRA, Par. 50-7(d))
  4. Parents will be given reasonable prior notice before any school student record is destroyed or information deleted therefrom and an opportunity to copy the record or information proposed to be destroyed or deleted. (ISSRA, Par. 50-4(h))
  5. Except for the student and his/her parents, no person to whom information is released and no person specifically designated as a representative by a parent may permit any other person to have access to such information without prior consent of parent obtained in accordance with ISSRA, Par. 50-6(a) (8). (ISSRA, Section 50-6(d))
  6. A record of any release of information shall be maintained for the life of the school student records and shall be available only to the parents and the official records custodian. The record of release shall include the nature and substance of the information released, the name of the person requesting such information, the capacity in which such a request has been made, the purpose of such request, the date of the release, the name and signature of the official records custodian releasing such information, and a copy of any consent to such release. (ISSRA, Par. 50-6(c))
  7. All rights and privileges accorded a parent under the ISSRA shall become exclusively those of the student upon his/her 18th birthday, graduation from secondary school, marriage, or entry into the military service, whichever occurs first. Such rights and privileges also may be exercised by the student at any time with respect to the student’s permanent school record. (ISSRA, Par. 50-2(g))
  8. No person may condition the granting or withholding of any right, privilege or benefit, or make as a condition of employment, credit, or insurance the securing by any individual of any information from a student’s temporary record which such individual may obtain through the exercise of any right secured under the Illinois School Student Records Act. (ISSRA, Par. 50-8)
  9. Psychological evaluations, special education files, and other information contained in the student temporary record which may be of continued assistance to the student may be transferred to the custody of the parent or student if the student succeeded to the rights of the parents no sooner than five years after graduation or permanent withdrawal of a special education student.

To make a records or transfer request: email or